Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How do I meet Lori and Grandmother

When Lori Wilson is not teaching or networking, she does her appointments by phone or in person for those visiting or living more locally. In a nutshell ... Lori offers appointments to those wanting answers from the spirit realm, from her guide, Grandmother, or offers her services of medical intuition. The main difference between the appointments are when Lori Wilson is channeling her guide, she repeats word for word what her guide Grandmother has to offer to your health, to your relationships or your work. Lori will paint a verbal picture of where Grandmother takes you and other is offered to you and begin answering your questions. Grandmother is very wise and is able to look into many realms of reality. When Lori is using her medical intuition hat, Lori herself scans through your body from head to toe to see what it wants to share. This is an in depth look at what is happening inside you that you can share with you health practitioners to aid your well being. In both appointment styles, these methods of insight alone for the most part allow many to be well on their way to having a better healthier life.

The 1 hour channeling appointment with Lori and her guide Grandmother are $250 USD/$262.25 CAN. The medical intuition appointment is 2 hours. 1 hour that Lori spends before your appointment to do your scan and another for your appointment to review your scan and answer questions. No, she does not need your birthdate/astrological sign. All she needs is your permission to do the scan which is $500 USD/$525 CAN.

If you just want answers, she has set up a 15 min style reading either channeling or medical intuition. You fax us a sheet from 'click here' at 519-763-2310 (3 questions for Grandmother or 1 for medical intuition). She normally answers these within 3 days and emails you a link to download the recording on your computer.

Any questions call 519-824-6655 or email at

All Lives Healing and Synthesizing

(Today we arrive for the teaching in an ancient cave in France. It seems of historical significance to many – a place we have all called home at one point in time. We are greeting spirit people who lived there and quickly realize that they are ourselves from past lives. We find our past-life identity and sit across from small fires communing without words. We seem to be able to communicate telepathically very well. Grandmother stands proudly underneath a painting of three large bison. We can feel her pride emanating from her heart and from the walls themselves.)

Allow this Moon to be one where all of your lives, past-now and past-past both synthesize and heal. Such is the opportunity and the invitation of this expansive time. You need not explore the past-lives in detail, for in truth you are conscious enough about the ones that are important and the others blend into the fabric of all-lives as one. Your past-now lives represent all of the lives you have lived to date in this current life time, as you. Since you have been born you have lived a minimum of three lives, however most of you have actually lived five to seven lives all in this very one.

The best way to ‘synthesize’ your past-now lives, as it were, is to write down the years or dates where you have felt them to be grouped and transitional years. For example, you may feel that your first-present life was from ages 1-8, your second from ages 9 – 28, your third from 29 - 48 and so on – of course dependant on your age and groupings. Once you have done this grouping, look to that period of time and state in one word or a short sentence what it is that you learned in that ‘lifetime’ as it were. Then weave the story together as one coherent story from the moment you were born until now. Then go back to the past lives that you sense or know about and super-impose that learning onto the present day sequential story. I think you will find it a very fascinating endeavor and one that will not take too much time to piece together.

The ancient histories of our planet, our people – being all people and the ways of the past are becoming quite ready to be just that – the past. While they will always be remembered and honored they are releasing their hold that they have had on us all energetically. One reason the past is detaching from us is because we are conscious enough to hold the past as past – and to do so with honour. And secondly, as we continue to evolve as a human species the past will matter less and less. The only true thing that will matter is the moment we are in – the present moment-by-moment power of connection and state of being present. The past has been an excellent keeper when we needed one. Now that we need not be bound by accountability to community in a way that is rule-based, we can be in true community which is service-based and pure joy.

How this all translates into your life this Moon is that you will feel more supported and part of all that speaks of relationship and community in your life. In the past where you have needed to monitor or control community for your own self-preservation, you will actually relinquish this to trust. Where you have had limited or less than healthy relationships in the past – they will blossom into new and healthier ones without effort. Your ways of survival that depended upon others historically will transform into equally pleasant relationships that have nothing resembling survival at all. This Moon as we say a reverent good-bye to the warrior code we have lived in for millennia our world will change. And in this same breath, so will you and your lifetimes – all of them healing exponentially as one. It is such a good time to be alive! Thank you for remaining so. My dearest ones enjoy the celebration and the sanctity of this cave. Be blessed.

AHO. Grandmother